Thursday, September 11, 2008

To Budapest We Go

Car, Train, Bus, Metro, Metro, Bus, Train, Car

That was my journey today.  Budapest and back in thirteen and a half hours is tiring.  Why you might ask.  It wasn't a big craving for goulash, I (Rocio) had to go to the US Embassy in order to get finger printed as part of my citizenship process.  And believe it or not this was the fastest and least expensive way to travel.

Todd was a star.  He drove twice to Debrecen in order to get me to and from the train station.  He was a bit worried that I would get lost since I do tend to be a bit absent minded at times.  Yet God is great and I didn't have any major problems.  I was also a bit nervous because the Hungarian language is so complicated and I had so many changes to make in transportation.

Thank you so much to all of you had us in your prayers.  We truly had God's hand on us throughout the day.  Let me tell you how God watched over us.  In order to get to Debrecen we must cross the Romanian-Hungarian boarder.  Todd drove a foundation car and had a special letter from the foundation authorizing him to drive that car.  The car's registration and insurance is always kept in the glove box.  As we crossed into Hungary this morning they asked us for the car's paperwork.  Todd opened the glove box and handed it to the guard.  Five minutes later we crossed into Hungary.  Upon arriving in Marghita a few hours later the people in the foundation could not believe we got through.  They told Todd that someone took the insurance out on accident the day before and never replaced it.  Legally, the guard should never had let us cross the border.  Praise God that he did not notice that paper was missing!  I also know that it was only through His grace that I did not get lost today and was able to make all my connections back to Debrecen without a hitch.  Thank you all so much again for your prayers.  God really showed up for us today, as always.

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