Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just Praise Him!

Today was a great day!  It was busy and we were both sick, but we had a GREAT day.  Another missionary and I are working together on a program to help all the kids in Casa Alba (the orphanage) learn about the Lord.  Usually the program runs during the school year, but we decided to give the kids a preview this week so that they know what to expect in the next few weeks and get them excited about the upcoming school year.  

Today I taught the story of Jesus and Zaccheus in order to teach the kids about giving their hearts to Jesus.  We had a great time!  It was so neat to see them learn the story and talk about Jesus in their hearts.  My favorite part of the lesson was hearing them pray.  My partner started teaching them to pray last year.  We all sit in a circle and thank God for something as well as pray for the person next to us.  It was so powerful to see and hear.  

My heart melted hearing four year olds praising God for creation and then praying for their friend next to them.  Most prayers went something like this, "Thank you Jesus for chocolate, horses, and lions.  I pray that a ___ (fill in with name of person next to them) gets a mom and dad soon."  How awesome is that!  It was definitely one of those moments when Todd and I looked at each other and thought this is why we are here.  

Then my day got even better.  I was able to go to Cadea Camin for the first time since being back in Romania.  Cadea Camin is a state-run institution where older orphans live.  I have been working with this group since my first trip and it's definitely my passion for being here.  These individuals have the average age of 25 and will never leave the institution due to mental handicaps produced due to living in institutions their whole lives.  For them Jesus is their only hope and we run a weekly program to bring them that hope.  All the kids I work with were so excited to see me.  Some had even sent letters through another missionary the week before asking for me to visit them.  It was so neat to just hang out with them, love on them, and sing a few worship songs with them.  They were so happy!  An argument even broke out over which songs to sing.  What a great argument to have!  The best part was telling them that I was here to stay.  Every time I visit they always ask when will I leave again and when I told them in two years they could hardly contain themselves.  One of them, who is quite close to me, actually started crying.  I was so humbled!  It reminded me how important it is for them to have someone visit them who cares and loves them.  We are just so blessed to be here!  It truly is a privilege to serve the Lord.

"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation." 
Psalm 13:5

Some pictures of our Zaccheus lesson today!

Who loves Jesus?

Drawing Jesus in our hearts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having a fantastic time with the children! Praise God!