Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Interview of the Century

For those of you who do not know, although Rocio has lived most of her life in the US, she is not a citizen.  For the last few years she debated whether or not to become a citizen but decided not to because she couldn't have triple citizenship (Argentina, Spain, US) and wasn't quite ready to say good-bye to her Argentine citizenship.  Everything changed, however, when we decided to move to Romania.  You see, as a permanent resident she cannot leave the US for more than 1 year.  This became quite a predicament went we became missionaries.  There was no way around it she had to become an American.

Before we left the states we began the process thinking we wouldn't have to be back for the interview until late spring or early summer of 2009.  Yet the Lord works in strange ways and not too long ago we received an interview date of JANUARY 2009!  This means the Stophers are headed back to the states for a bit.  Maybe the Lord knew that we might not survive the first winter here....who knows!

The next part of the process includes a pretty demanding interview.  We will be asked regarding our marriage, our ministry in Romania, and Rocio will have to take a test to prove she knows American History and Government.  Please pray that she can learn all the information and that she gets easy questions at the interview.  If she doesn't answer the questions correctly she may not get to become a citizen....seriously.  Then, assuming the interview goes great, she will be assigned a date when she will be sworn in as a new American citizen.  YAY!  After that off we go back to our work in Romania.  A little hectic, we know.  Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that we can make it back to Romania as quickly as possible.  Just for fun here are some of the questions she might be asked.  Would you pass the test?

1) Who makes the federal laws in the US?
2) What were the original 13 states?
3) How many amendments are there to the Constitution?
4) What are some of the requirements to become the president of the US?
5) Name the amendments that guarantee or address voting rights?

1) Congress
2)Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Rhode Island
3) 27 
4) Be native-born, not a naturalized citizen, be at least 35 years old, and have lived in the US for at least 14 years.
5) 15th, 19th, 24th, 26th amendments



Unknown said...

Being a history teacher helped me answer the questions! Don't sweat your test! You are naturally smart and will do great! More than half the natural born Americans who are citizens wouldn't be if they had to pass this test. Lucky them to be born on "this side" of the border! At least you will not take this honor for granted!


Unknown said...

Ro, you will be more than fine.....remember I pass the test :-( .......

Love you .....

Anonymous said...

God is with you, He will help you pass.