Monday, November 24, 2008

Casa Alba Birthdays!

This past month there have been quite a few birthdays at Casa Alba.  And although I will try to do my best to describe birthdays at Casa Alba, it's truly something you need to experience in order to fully understand.  Birthdays are usually an exciting and hectic time no matter where you are.  This is especially true at Casa Alba.  The workers prepare the decorations (usually a birthday sign with the child's name and age) and the cake.  Then during the afternoon snack volunteers (missionaries), Romanian staff and their children, and the rest of the Casa Alba bunch enjoy the party.  The party consists of singing, a very sugary cake, and opening of presents.  Sounds like a regular party, but all this takes place in thirty minutes or less.  It's crazy.  Then all the kids are so hyper off the sweets that are practically bouncing off the walls.  

Yet these crazy parties are amazing for the birthday child.  They are the center of attention amid over 20 kids for a brief time.  They feel special, important, and loved.  This means the world to a child who has been abandoned.  My favorite part of the party is just looking at the special one's face while everyone sings "happy birthday".  Sheer joy is all over their face!  You can see hope and joy in their face if only for one brief second.  And that makes all the craziness worth it.

Roni loved her cake!


Happy 6th birthday Roni!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice, very nice, why so short time ???