Monday, July 28, 2008

Where did all this stuff come from?

I'm pretty sure that when we moved into our apartment nine months ago we had infinitely fewer things in it than we are finding now. I truly don't remember bringing in so many boxes!

As you might guess we are in the process of packing. I feel as if we have been packing for weeks now...yet we are still not done! It's not that we have tons of things, but packing and moving takes a long time.

I keep making piles. Piles of things to leave. Piles of things we must take. And piles of things that I wish I could have there, but not sure we have the space or weight for. Yesterday I was looking at the piles and thinking, man we are so blessed to have the issue of dealing with piles. As I stared at the piles I remembered the kids that rumage through the trash bins near an apartment we stayed in once while serving in Romania. Talk about something that really puts everything back in perspective. I am so grateful for the way the Lord has blessed us and know that although we feel as if we are sacrificing by letting go of our comforts and things here we know it is all for His Glory in the end. And that makes everything worth it!

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