Friday, June 27, 2008

Save the Date

We can hardly believe that we got back from our Orientation with CTEN in Kerrville, Texas, only one week ago. We are both so grateful for the time we spent there. While in Texas, we met other missionaries who are leaving to change the world in Christ's name as well as the incredible "home office" staff. Everyone we encountered was so helpful and caring. We both feel much better equipped now as we prepare to enter the field.

Another important landmark of this great journey also happened this week. Todd and I bought our plane tickets for Romania! That's right! We now have an official departure date! Drum roll please..... Todd and Rocio Stopher will officially be leaving to serve in Romania on AUGUST 17, 2008! As excited as we are to have a date set, there is still so much to do. For starters our financial support is beginning to be raised, but we know God will provide before we leave. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and look forward to hearing more about the great things God is doing in our lives.

The Stophers leave for Romania on AUGUST 17, 2008.

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